14 August 2012

A Year in Pictures

After Ronnie and I found out we were moving to Wyoming, our first task at hand was to switch phone companies. Yep, only Verizon works out here. Before we got rid of our old phones, Ronnie put all our pics on my computer. It has been fun to look back at the photos we took over that first year of marriage. I thought I'd share a few of mine because pictures are way more fun than words:

Lots of pics of nieces and nephews

And the black eye he didn't seem to notice much

Our first ER visit

I miss how little he used to be!

And of course, the broken foot

We spotted this gem on a drive to Park City. Be still my heart!

And lots and lots and lots of pictures like this. He is just so handsome I have to steal shots whenever I can

Our ever changing shadows. This was for halloween

"Moochie, take your shirt off and come play" If only, Eli, if only.

I am pretty sure this is the first friendly look he ever gave me

Lots of thrift store treasures

Temple Grandin. What a wonderful experience!

As much as I hate that they love him more than me, I love watching the nieces and nephews fall in love with my Love

We never miss an opportunity to laugh

and lots and lots of moments to fall more in love with the man who spoils me rotten


  1. Mikael,

    Love the updates! Looking at all of your adorable nieces and nephews I realized how amazingly beautiful your baby is going to be! Those facial features could make a heart melt. Especially your eyes!
    I'm already excited to meet this little one!

    1. Officially my favorite friend! You are too sweet! I just can't wait to meet your sugary sweet little girl and I hope she inherits your ability to be insanely happy about EVERYTHING!
      Keep your weekly pics coming! I love to see your cute belly and wished mine didn't just look like a beer gut (especially after I eat).

  2. It is always so much fun to look back on pictures!

  3. that black eye! holy cow, that looks so painful.
