28 September 2011

Sweatin With the Oldies

We did it. We crashed water aerobics and in turn, it kicked our trash. Who knew? Ronnie and I joined in on the arm pumping, water splashing, hip stregthening fun and I woke up the next morning with sore arms. We are going again tonight and I am bringing a of couple work friends with me. You know what is my favorite part of pool work outs? No, not the naked bums struttin around the locker room. The Hot Tub! I love to stew and we always seem to meet an interesting character or two. I have had so much fun going to the pool with Ronnie and I need to make him sit down and write a post about all the "helpful" people we have been coming across lately. I dont want to give anything away so I will stop there, but let's just say it will be an entertaining post indeed.

13 September 2011

Water Logged

This is Ronnie when he was taking baths bc he couldn't shower with a broken foot. He will probably kill me for putting this on here.

As of last week, R has me swimming laps at the gym. Now mind you, I have only done this twice now, but it is two times more than I ever thought I would and about 50 times more fun than I expected. I have been timid to even attempt a pool workout because I am so embarrassed by my swimming skills. My swimming education consisted of "Ok, hang onto the wall and practice kicking. Now go swim with your brothers." I can doggy paddle, swim under water, and throw a mean punch while in an intense game of Sharks and Minnows, but a beautiful stroke is not a thing they teach between biggest splash contests with the boys. BUT, when you start hanging around a guy who can't even kick his legs while swimming and he's not afraid to hop in and swim some laps, then an ugly freestyle stroke doesn't seem to sound like a good excuse anymore. So to the pool we've been going, and I have been pleasantly surprised at what a workout it is! And one more great thing about Ronnie. Today we went and water aerobics was going on. We sat in the hot tub and waited for it to finish. I hinted a few times about how fun it would be to join in and splash to the techno music with the elderly. When they finished up class and we got in to swim some laps, he turned to me and said, "Next time let's do it. It could be fun and it would probably be good practice for me." Yippee! I know we will have a blast and it will be a great way for him to work on balance in a safe and fall friendly environment. I know most men wouldn't be caught dead sporting a pair of water weights in the pool, but my man knows how to live on the wild side!

05 September 2011

Boots Gets A Bench

After I graduated college, my parents got me a bedroom set to help me start my life as an independent woman. I have loved my bedroom furniture and it has moved with me twice now. Ronnie has less of a love for our bed than I do because it is so dang tall. Putting on his "boots" and shoes requires him to sit and sitting on the edge of our bed was a teetering trick. After weeks of struggling, we asked his good friend David Grant to make us a custom bench to make Ronnie's life a little easier. I was going to do a beautiful post on how much we love our bench and how great it is, but I will just direct you to his site so you can check it out for yourself and hear it from David. Thanks David! And don't think this will be the last thing we have you making for us!