We took Henry to the pediatrician today for his 2 month appointment. I knew Henry would be in for quite a few shots and tears to go along with that. Even with the dread of giving my sweet baby boy shots, I was excited to see his "stats" and to see our pediatrician. Have I mentioned how much we LOVE our pediatrician? If I could dedicate a day to honor him I would. He is so friendly and always takes his time with us. Today as he walked in our room his nurse told him "You have three people who want to see you right now." He simply said "OK" and then shut the door and spent 30+ minutes just chatting with us. He always talks to us like we are educated, and it feels good to not have everything dumbed down. He is one of those people that just by talking with him you feel uplifted and better about yourself after leaving his office. I am usually a nervous wreck when I have to go to a doctors office so the fact that I have been looking forward to taking Henry to the doctor says a lot about what a great pediatrician Doctor Lindgren is.
Ok, now I will quit gushing about our doctor and move onto bragging about my favorite thing in the whole wide world! Henry!
Henry has been growing like a weed and even though his newborn size clothes are just barely getting a little snug and we can now fit him into some of his 0-3 month clothes, he is rocking the growth curve for his age.
Weight: at birth Henry weighed 7 lbs even (15 %tile). He is now 12 lbs 5 oz (50 %ile)
Height: 20 inches at birth (51 %tile) 2 months: 24.5 inches (87 %tile!)
Head Circumference: Birth: 13.8 inches (27 %tile) 2 months: 16.5 inches (85 %tile!)
Looks like we will have a tall boy. The doctor even said he will probably be taller than Ronnie. Henry was so happy, and smiley when we got there and was having a blast looking at himself in the mirror. I felt so proud when he would search around and look for me when someone unfamiliar would pick him up. It feels so good to know that he is growing and that really sticking with breast feeding is doing its job! I am constantly in awe that all Henry needs to grow and develop, I can provide him with my own body! Although there were definitely some growing pains, I am continually amazed at the grand design of our Heavenly Father's and how expertly he made our bodies. His most amazing creation yet, is by far our Henry boy!